Saturday, March 5, 2016

~ sex anyone?.... ~

Ok.. so maybe the title is a little misleading... though it came to me because it seems that lately conversations with people either revolve around sex or diets...
the latest adventures, the latest pills, or exercise technique
(i.e. how to get rid of fat by doing no exercise and just holding your breath)....

I suppose that could work....

And that brought me to the idea that most social conversation can be summed up in one mundane coca cola commercial:

and no backwash....   (clears throat).... anyhoo...

I know it may sound silly but lets think about it for a minute... A good friend of mine called me the other day to tell me she has lost 10000 pounds in a week by taking some new pill...
So you know me.... I'm always up for experimenting... She drops me off a couple...
in a zip lock bag....(I felt like I needed to check for cops)

This is the actual pill:

it was roughly around 6:00 pm on Thursday..  

Staring at it, I wondered whether I should take it then, or wait until the next morning... Fearing it would give me some weird side effect at work, I decided to take it right then... 

5 min, nothing... 10 min, nothing... 

20 minutes later...

11:00 pm at night.... 

I never realized how much dust there is on the floorboards of my house.... 
And inside of lamps... 

This was simply not acceptable at that moment....
But wait! there isn't nearly sufficient cleaning supplies in my house...

But THAT didn't stop me... there I went.... me against the army of dust....

1:00 am, 2:00 am.... Somewhere through it all, I knew I would regret this the following morning... Like a college party gone wrong... BUT.. I did not! 

Rather, I found myself the next day at work talking to my coworkers about the experience like: occurred to me at that moment: all those posts from friends that are in these "programs" with shakes, and "supplements".... I understood.... "They" (and no, idk who they are...) have found a way to mass produce liquid crack into mainstream retail.....

I had to understand... None of it made sense... I was productive, I cleaned, I didn't feel bad, and strangely, I felt like I had lost a pound or two... (not joking)...

I thought and thought, and then it hit me, YES!!! I had had this feeling before... I remembered!! Back in college, someone slipped something in my drink at a club to which I recall waking up in the sand beach with prints of having made sand angels... It was called Ecstasy...

And guess what?? I wasn't wrong...

There is a mass movement in the diet industry made up of thermogenic euphoria producing drugs.... The effects greatly mirror the "preferred" aspects of certain street drugs, but since they have been made in a well funded lab, they do not produce the negative side effects of their adversaries... And its not just pills... its shakes, and power bars, and supplements... 

And they can be bought ANYWHERE.... 

Your Welcome...

I'm not sure how I feel about it still... 

But things make more sense now...

You bet your Billion Dollar ass it is Taylor...

Which brings us to the other phenomena of late...

I suppose the 'sex sells' industry was experiencing some revenue drops so a tad of creativity was necessary.  Something to stir the senses and open a new 'shelf' of experience to the consumer.

But how does one take the desensitized perception of something like SEX to a new level of curiosity to boost profits?

I Imagine a room full of marketing execs.. Thinking, Brainstorming, playing with pencils, and then... 

Nevermind the potential negative effects to social constructs, people in their psychologically developmental sex phase of life, or worse.....   

Its just enough 'umph' to keep those shelves revolving:

Can't have that... Dead people can't spend money....

Sure.. The concept has been around for quite sometime...

and of course:

But NEVER in history has one actually felt bad or embarrassed or left out walking into a casual group conversation like:

Girl 1:  "I know right!! those 3 inch butt plugs are the bomb"

Girl 2: "You only have 3 floggers??!! Girl, you gotta check out that place on Bird Road...."

Guy 1: "Check out this video girls..."

And all you have to contribute is... 

"i had a nice candlelight dinner and then walked on the beach and talked for hours..."


Ostracized... The Freak... "Keep up with the times Nancy"... 


Now don't get me wrong... I am a very open-minded person... 

And I think most things in moderation are OK.

But when the owner of the fitness store tells you that you have to be ready to drink two shakes a day for the rest of your life like she has... 

Or when your friend for years shows you her collection of the latest purchase and it looks like this..


Perhaps I am a little bias... As a lifelong writer, who among science fiction enjoys writing on the erotics of human nature (working on a website HERE), its a little insulting to the creative process...  

Or maybe it is an "opportunity"... who the hell knows right?

I'm curious what this fellows take is on all of this... 

He seems to have experience...

Well, thanks for stopping by... Its time for my medicine... 

There is Dust Awaiting Redemption!!!


  1. Best posts/Blogs with such a real perspective not to mention she actually makes me LOL

  2. Hi Rachel,

    Thank you for the kind words! :)
