Sunday, March 20, 2016

~ Cotton Candy and Climate Change in Chattahoochee ~

When I was a little girl in California, I remember my parents taking me to an outdoor concert by a band called, "Peter, Paul and Mary".   I still love them, and I have their greatest hits on every possible format.  If you have never heard of them, please take a moment to listen to this song and when you are done crying for Little Jackie Paper, this post will make alot more sense..

(no correlations intended for this one song......... eh)

So anyhoo....

According to Merriam Webster, the definition of Correlation is:
"the relationship between things that happen or change together"

A Correlation can also be both a verb and a noun.
(Well that's makes it clear...)

I saw this article not too long ago which clearly shows the correlation between

Margarine and Divorce:

I have come to the eerie realization that

are the main driver of ignorance in the modern world.

This may, at the offset sound silly,
however, there are Many groups that believe in immutable self realized truths based solely on idealistic correlations that have no logic.

Here are some examples:

Warning: These are Real Actual Groups living among us... Click on the pics for their websites

The Flat Earth Society

"This website is dedicated to unraveling the true mysteries of the universe and demonstrating that the earth is flat and that Round Earth doctrine is little more than an elaborate hoax."

Sorry Houston.... No words...

The Earth is Only 6000 Years Old

"Given Biblical and other data for calculating a date for Abraham, we can calculate that the universe and the Earth were created approximately 6000 years ago."

I would like to see this "Other data"...

Occupy Wall Street

The one thing we all have in common is that We Are The 99%that will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1%.

Nevermind the Mathematical Error in Statistics, this group reminds me of a song:

I sure hope this group has a back up plan for jobs if they ever succeed... 

HAARP for Weather Manipulation

"respected researchers allege that secret electromagnetic warfare capabilities of HAARP are designed to forward the US military’s stated goal of achieving full-spectrum dominance by the year 2020"

Some of these might sound like conspiracy theories to some.  Others, may not.  

But do not doubt for a moment, 

they are ALL born of the same baseless correlative logic and lack of facts. 

Which Brings us to:

Cotton Candy and Climate Change

In 1896, the first evidence of human induced climate change was observed by American scientist Samuel Langley who had attempted to determine the surface temperature of the Moon by measuring infrared radiation leaving the Moon and reaching the Earth. His observation led to decades of research and further observation which has developed into the global phenomena we call Climate Change.

Meanwhile, just a few months later in 1897 what we now know to be Cotton Candy was discovered with the first machine patented in Nashville, TN by a DENTIST W. Morrison 

Coincidentally, Morrison later became the President of the American Dental Association in Nashville... 


I often receive criticism when discussing climate change when I begin to talk about the age of the dinosaurs, ice ages and such. Evidently, it makes much more sense to correlate the concept of climate change to the destabilization in the Middle East / Terrorism and not on scientific research of ages past...

But, even though it sounded strange to me at first, I consider myself an open minded person, and so this led me to discover some other interesting correlations.

In 2014, the United States consumed an average of 19,039 barrels of oil PER DAY... 

(Click on the pics for the link to .gov site)


How does the US compare to All other countries in the % of oil consumed?

Evidently, it is more than double of the second highest country, and 5-10 times as much as most other countries...

Then I really started to wonder about Bernie's theory...

Could there be some truth in it??

So I further asked... The Middle East's main source of income is oil.

What % of oil that we import from them has varied since pre gulf war times....


Its not looking good for them lately....

With visions of cotton candy clouds rolling through my mind, I found myself faced with the undeniable reality that we have shifted our oil purchasing monies through the years from the Middle East to Canada and....


oh cmon....

(I will leave the correlation of "chew" and something we have here in America to those who appreciate snarkiness...)

Needless to say, my understanding of "Climate Change" has evolved...

You see, Bernie Sanders was actually correct when he said that Terrorism is partly propagated by Climate Change, but Not in the way most media and politicians want us to think....

The only correlation between climate change and terrorism is that the biggest consumer and user of oil in the entire world (and subsequently the producer of the highest emissions causing environmental damage) has hurt the pockets of certain vested interest groups all the while screwing the people of the very country that makes up the consumers by making bad deals with Oil Partners.  Especially Mexico.

Next time you ask yourself why the US doesn't do more to stop the war on drugs or why there is no wall built as of yet, consider how the drug cartels contribute to political leaders.....

Next time you ask yourself why the Refugee crisis in Europe is so important, consider they are the second largest consumer of oil and that the EU's stronghold and sustainability has always been Germany (whose economy is being impacted greatly by almost 1 million immigrants)....

(Wait.... Are you saying that maybe immigration has hidden imperialistic agenda?)
I would never....


Is it all a conspiracy or is their some truth in correlations somewhere?

I honestly don't know, but I do know this:

Fluffy, Colorful, "Chemical Infused" *clears throat* Candy is invented just months after climate change is discovered (puffy, chemical injected clouds).....

Now I can't be the only one who sees THAT...


If you really listen carefully, you will see that Alan Jackson, America's Uber Successful Country signer who "Coincidentally" has been hired by Major Auto Manufacturers for "Theme Songs", like Gone Country, and Mercury Blues, has some secret CLIMATE CHANGE / OIL BUSINESS  messages hidden in his hit song:


"never knew how much that muddy water meant to me"
"..never had a plan, just a livin for the minute.."

(there's more if you listen closely...)


(I am sorry that you will never hear that song the same again....)

(No I'm not)


  1. Wow, that's a lot of stuff to digest. I recently read about the g/mi for electric cars and was surprised to see how carbon they leave in their wake after you factor in the carbon footprint of the electricity they consume. I guess we better hope the solar panels in their windows become much more efficient.

    i've been a peter paul and mary fan for over 40 years. when i got my first vcr one of my prized possessions was one of their performances aired for a PBS fundraising program.

    nice to meet you.

    1. Hi E. Rosewater,

      thank you for stopping by. nice to meet you as well. :)

  2. This was definitely the most diverse blog post I have ever seen...and I love the Bernie Sanders quote!

    1. hi Optimistic Existentialist,

      Bernie has some usable quotes indeed.. ;)

      ~ shadowfire ~
