Wednesday, May 11, 2016

~ "You know my methods, Watson"... The Supremes!!! ~

I do love The Supremes... And this post does inspire a classic song by them:

But no, this post is not about the sexy trio from the 60's.

Its about a different group of Supremes. 

It dawned on me last night, whilst watching The Walking Dead, that something very sinister is happening deep in America.  Behind the curtains of social media and propaganda news, there is a group of people who are waiting on the Ghost Rider....

The United States Supreme Court:

In case you were born prior to the 80's, take a moment a watch this.  This is an actual Disney cartoon from the old days...  

but How did I get here?

Well, I remember being at a local bar for happy hour with a friend last weekend and watching on the TV a commercial about Hillary barking and Trump having multiple affairs, I thought, 
"Can this really be it for America? Is this what policy and elections have come to"?

There I was, well into my third Lemon Drop Martini when the death of Scalia suddenly entered my mind..

(No, this is no conspiracy theory as to how he died)

Rather, I had a faint recollection of a couple of the other Supreme Court Justices... Later that evening (not really... it was actually the next day)  I looked up the group of justices currently in power:

Anthony Kennedy: State of California
Affiliation: Republican
Appointed by: Reagan
Born 1936 - Age
Circa 80 years old (Yikes...)

 Clarence Thomas: State of Georgia
Affiliation: Republican
Appointed by: Bush
Born 1948
Circa 68 years old (One more term?)

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: District of Columbia
Affiliation: Democrat
Appointed by: Clinton
Born 1933
Circa 83 Years Old (Oh shit!...)

The more I read, the more I needed another drink....

Samuel Alito - District of New Jersey
Affiliation: Democrat
Born 1950
Appointed by OBAMA
Circa 66 years old...


Stephen Breyer - First Circuit Appeals
Affiliation: Democratic
Born 1938
Appointed by: Clinton
Circa 78 Years old... (dang...)

John Roberts - DC Appeals
Affiliation: Republican
Born in 1950
Appointed by: Bush
Circa 66 years old...

Elena Kagan
Affiliation: Democratic
Born in 1960
Appointed by: OBAMA 
circa 56 Years old (THE BABY!!!)

So with the recent induction of Sotomeyer, there you have it... 
And with the exception of Kagan, the baby of the group appointed by Obama, 
Every Single Supreme Court Justice is Post Retirement Age...
With some, over 80 years old....

Now Scalia was only 69 when he died a couple of months ago.... Most everyone else is over that age.


Well... let's simplify things...  

The VERY FIRST Thing that is EVIDENT is that contrary to what Mass Media wants us to believe, the split between Democrats and Republicans in the Supreme Court is pretty balanced...

The SECOND Thing that is EVIDENT is that almost all of the seats will need replacing during the Next Presidency...

.In Other Words, your Next President will face a task that no other has faced in over a century...

To replace up to 90% of the Supreme Court Seats!

 This is not a policy election.
This is not a civil rights election.
This is Not even an Economic election, because the FED already knows what it is going to do and has already made arrangements with the current nominees...
This is not an education election.
This is not a "Change" election
And it is Certainly NOT an election by and for the people.

It is an election to serve the highest form of CONTROL that a particular group of vested elites will have for the NEXT CENTURY!!

So, next time you see the news, or follow your FB feed, or overhear people talking about:




 et all....

Next time, think of what you have seen on this post...

The ONLY thing this election is about, 
is who will control the Supreme Court for the next century.


And we have to choose between:

I think the death of Scalia was a message to the American People...
I don't think it was just an accident...

The question is, a message from whom?
Things aren't always black and white..

But conspiracy theories aside...

I would like to invite everyone to go enjoy a drink this weekend.
And while you do so, take a look at any commercial or meme about this election with slightly different eyes...

The United States is, and always has been a 
Not a democracy...

Who do you want in charge of your Constitutional Rights for the next 100 years?

 I will leave you with this song for now....

("Do you know where you are going to" - Diana Ross)

~ shadowfire



  1. While some people are talking about the current vacancy, you are right about the long term impact of this presidential election. I would guess at least two more will drop, if not by old age or accident, then by cunning and infamy.

    Nice post, and I love the old cartoon and Miss Diana Ross is always welcome.


  2. Thank you for the compliment. And yes, I try to stick to topics that stay in the shadows for most. I enjoy your blog as well..

  3. It is time oldies retired and young talent appointed. Oldies can be posted only in advisory roles but cannot be allowed to take any policy decisions. They have knowledge and experience of the past but the present and future of any country needs young talent. I would prefer Trump since he is walking around with a young wife.

    Excellent post. I enjoyed it.

    Best wishes

    1. Hi Joseph. Thank you for the comment. Indeed, things are getting scary with this election. Basically, whoever wins POTUS will dictate how SCOTUS is run for decades...
