This has been a difficult decision for me given the state of the nation as well as the future of my generation and my son's generation. However, after much critical analysis, I have decided that
Comcast Corporation
(also a Time Warner Cable and Telemundo affiliate) has my 2016 vote for the Oval Office.
I offer THIS as their campaign slogan:
Allow me to share how I came to this decision.
A few months back a realization dawned on me: That no one really knows what the hell is going on in the world anymore, (including myself), and that we are all just wandering about, collecting bits and pieces of information we presume are 'facts' and forming 'belief systems', further forcing them on others. All the while ignoring the most fundamental aspects of humanity and life that truly require revised belief systems in this day and age.
We pick and choose from a Splenda Sprinkled Buffet of Bullshit Lies presented by the very people we place and revere as our 'Leaders".
These So Called Leaders come in many forms...
One being: The Vulture
I'll be honest... I haven't really listened to what he has to say.... And much like Bernie, he simply will Not be the Nominee.... Though, he does inspire some melancholy music tunes for me:
Bless His Heart....
#4: The Religious Brain Surgeon
There was a little while in the beginning that I supported Dr. Carson...
And I am sure he is an excellent surgeon.
But it was so transparent that his rhetoric on God were merely to satisfy the demographics of his political party, and rather than be brave and stand up for what he truly believes in, he cowered downed to the wants of the ignorant....
And that's not someone we want negotiating on our behalf in the event WW3 becomes imminent.
Sorry Ben. BUT....
#5: The Political Whisperer
*yells in a hushed tone*
Kasich for President
What?? Who?
I Imagine it went something like this...:
#6: The Cuban Cowboy
And last but not least....
#7: The Dark Lord of Real Estate
I was never a big Harry Potter fan, but I do know the storyline fairly well...
Perhaps there is a little Voldemort in us all.
Perhaps that is what Trump speaks to in the American People.
Which bring us to My Choice, Comcast....
Anyone who has had Comcast Service may understand my reasoning for this.
Comcast Corporation, an NBC Universal, Telemundo, Time Warner Cable, and many more affiliate entity owners, is in fact The Devil Incarnate.
They control the Media. They control what we watch on TV. They control Google, Disney, and other major Services that most people are for career and daily life purposes now dependent on.
But we know this Devil....
Do we really KNOW Any of the Presidential Hopefuls?
Do we really KNOW what they will do once in office?
Its a scary time folkes...
I think its time we Choose a Devil we Know...
A Devil we can Trust....
Rely On.....
It's Time For A Power Above the People.
That Services the People...
That Needs the People... (at least our money and ratings)
When you deeply analyze it, its not so far out there....
A Corporation has more rights than an individual.
A Corporation has more muscle power than any group of SJW's.
A Corporation cannot be assassinated or impeached.
See its not about making America Great Again... America is already Great!
They may not always answer your call timely, Sure...
But does the White House? Do your Representatives?
I think its time we openly accept what is already a reality.
It's whats for Dinner...
Let's Make America Bigger!
One Nation, under Comcast,
For Internet and TV for All.
They got my vote.
Comcast Corporation
(also a Time Warner Cable and Telemundo affiliate) has my 2016 vote for the Oval Office.
I offer THIS as their campaign slogan:
Allow me to share how I came to this decision.
A few months back a realization dawned on me: That no one really knows what the hell is going on in the world anymore, (including myself), and that we are all just wandering about, collecting bits and pieces of information we presume are 'facts' and forming 'belief systems', further forcing them on others. All the while ignoring the most fundamental aspects of humanity and life that truly require revised belief systems in this day and age.
We pick and choose from a Splenda Sprinkled Buffet of Bullshit Lies presented by the very people we place and revere as our 'Leaders".
These So Called Leaders come in many forms...
One being: The Vulture
Why a Vulture you ask?
Well..... How else would you describe THIS: (wonder who that cat in the background represents...)
Which reminds me....
Sad.... But True....
The 2016 Elections
A time, where so much is fucked up in the world that
No One qualified Wants the Presidency of the United States.
And who can blame them really?
So what we are left with is a Murder Mystery Clown Show.
#1: The Confused Criminal
Pro's: She is a Woman
Con's: She is a Woman and pretty much Everything Else Jaded and Wrong with the System
This is a woman whose husband publicly cheated on her, whose family foundations have accepted multi millions in dirty money, and despite the known shame that is beknownst of her and hers, she fancies herself with the suitable 'Integrity' to represent the Nation...
But THAT is not what scares me about Hillary... No... She is a politician and we have been programmed to accept a certain level of criminal activity for the establishment elites.....
What scares the shit out of me about Hillary is that she Always looks like she is on 7000 Milligrams of Prozac!! (Normal dose on web MD is about 10-20 Milligrams.) So.... 7000.
I mean,,, who in their right mind (pun intended) can reason this a suitable choice?
#2: The "I will destroy Wall Street" SJW
(sjw = Social Justice Warrior)
Here is a Man, who publically stated in a debate to the American People that he will bring down Wall Street and condemned Hillary for not going after them as well....
Once again... He Publicly criticized the source where the Most Jobs created in the World originate.
A little history here: Since before the start of the 19th century, the Corporations that make up Wall Street have been the Main and in some cases Only provider of jobs in the United States.
It is a nice 'daydream' to imagine that taking down such a power can happen simply because of the will of the people led by a 70+ year old who hasn't created even 1 job in his entire life and is in debt...
Its a very nice sentiment. And I appreciate the humanity behind it... But not even the Media has Ever taken Bernie Sanders serious as a candidate.
Trivia Question: Name 1 time, just 1 time that a debate moderator has even alluded to Bernie being the Democratic Candidate. One Time..... On Either Side.....
And if by some miracle of God (which is the Only way) that he could manage such a feat, who would then create jobs for everyone?
The Government? Really?
How many jobs did the government create compared to Wall Street in the last 100 years?
But his Socialistic desires and Lack of education in global economics, is not what led me away from The Bern....
What led me away from the Bern is that this man wants US, you and me, to pay to send
Everyone to College for Free.....
AGREED!!!!! But, wait.... We Already have that don't we?? And How's THAT Doing?
You know... K-12?
Everytime this Man talks about education:
Question 1: Have you Seen what is coming out of Public High School Graduations these days??
Question 2: We spend more Tax money per pupil in this Country than anywhere else in the world and yet High School Graduates can't even spell; they don't know how the basic Government branches work; and questions on History and Geography produce blank stares, and so on....
I Mean,,,, WTF???
And sure, there are those that do well in school, that study hard and believe in education, but then, those don't need help getting to or paying for college, do they now?
The Burn has not talked about what he will do to Improve the
yet boasts about New Government Sponsored Ones???...
My dears, that should be enough to scare the hell out of Anyone who is feeling a burn session....
Sorry Sugar Cakes.... I will support you 100% on Legalizing Marijuana,
but we don't need our President to be lighting up right now....
#3: The Canadian Nationalist
Bless His Heart....
#4: The Religious Brain Surgeon
There was a little while in the beginning that I supported Dr. Carson...
And I am sure he is an excellent surgeon.
But it was so transparent that his rhetoric on God were merely to satisfy the demographics of his political party, and rather than be brave and stand up for what he truly believes in, he cowered downed to the wants of the ignorant....
And that's not someone we want negotiating on our behalf in the event WW3 becomes imminent.
Sorry Ben. BUT....
#5: The Political Whisperer
*yells in a hushed tone*
Kasich for President
What?? Who?
I Imagine it went something like this...:
#6: The Cuban Cowboy
And last but not least....
#7: The Dark Lord of Real Estate
I was never a big Harry Potter fan, but I do know the storyline fairly well...
Perhaps there is a little Voldemort in us all.
Perhaps that is what Trump speaks to in the American People.
Anyone who has had Comcast Service may understand my reasoning for this.
Comcast Corporation, an NBC Universal, Telemundo, Time Warner Cable, and many more affiliate entity owners, is in fact The Devil Incarnate.
They control the Media. They control what we watch on TV. They control Google, Disney, and other major Services that most people are for career and daily life purposes now dependent on.
But we know this Devil....
Do we really KNOW Any of the Presidential Hopefuls?
Do we really KNOW what they will do once in office?
Its a scary time folkes...
I think its time we Choose a Devil we Know...
A Devil we can Trust....
Rely On.....
It's Time For A Power Above the People.
That Services the People...
That Needs the People... (at least our money and ratings)
When you deeply analyze it, its not so far out there....
A Corporation has more rights than an individual.
A Corporation has more muscle power than any group of SJW's.
A Corporation cannot be assassinated or impeached.
See its not about making America Great Again... America is already Great!
They may not always answer your call timely, Sure...
But does the White House? Do your Representatives?
I think its time we openly accept what is already a reality.
It's whats for Dinner...
Let's Make America Bigger!
One Nation, under Comcast,
For Internet and TV for All.
They got my vote.
I think you summed it up when you quoted Metallica, "Sad But True," that is the state of politics in the USA right about now. It's going to be a rough political year...buckle up!
ReplyDeleteHi Elsie... Yes indeed, buckle up is Right!
DeleteThanks for stopping by...;)
You make a good point, Ms Shadowfire for it is the media that controls the masses, always has and always will. Although, Trump is playing them masterfully, always has and maybe….
ReplyDeleteThe media is the devil in a Disney suit and I speak from experience.
As an English bird it’s interesting to watch the party buffoons going about their game play, much like you might watch a weekly soap opera and wondering what the fuck they’re going to come up with next. I have to say, it’s not much different over here but I am always intrigued how America, with such a vast gene pool, can’t come up with somebody a little more inspiring and savvy. I mean, this is a big place - you could fit England into Texas twice. Admittedly you will have your share of fuckwits but equally you have your masters. Where are they? Again, I wonder the same over here except I am somewhat fascinated by our Etonian, Boris Johnson. I know, but I am.
Also I don’t buy into this “Let’s make America great again” propaganda. What does that mean? That’s like saying, “Let’s make Britain great again” What, you mean like when we colonised everywhere, raped, pillaged and burnt those against us to the ground?
Anyway, that aside, I have come to this conclusion over the years: What sort of person wants to be the leader of the Western world? The ultimate power role?
1: A psychopathic narcissist lacking any form of compassion, naturally.
2: A twisted off the chart, liberal that believes that one day soon, the whole world will walk hand in hand in peace and we can all reside on hippy camps and basic bartering.
3: A completely pious nut job who believes that God spoke to them in lashing tongues which allows them to create their own scripture and verse to suit their agendas.
Rock and hard place.
Hi Jules,
ReplyDeleteRe- "where are they?" - Who knows dear... My guess is that behind the curtains is a world of sweets and riches that one in a spotlight cannot enjoy these days....
I have a difficult time believing much these days... Globalization, NAFTA, et al (trade agreements), and more recently (if allowed to be enacted), The TPP are the true enemy of the working class everywhere.
The free market model is (imho) the best system for fair and balanced progress in the modern world.
But there is a difference between fair competition and straight Imperialism.
And what we have right now is Elite Imperialism with silent gods.... Still better than other more primitive or savage cultures i suppose, but in need otlf some humanitarian class as well....
Thanks for stopping by! ;) Come back soon!
~ shadowfire ~
See I'm back already. Loyal, me.
ReplyDeleteWizard behind the curtain, eh?
Free markets are a thing in which we pay to take part in. Whether or not to Brexit is the current dilemma. However, my current pressing dilemma is whether or not to venture out in the relentless rain.
DeleteBrexit? it's a tough one.. the cohesiveness (albeit not ideal) of the EU has provided a sheath of protection from the seething liking of imposing imperialism from other forces, particularly forces that have been destabilized greatly as of late...
I understand the reasons behind wanting the exit, but I likewise fear the vulnerability that will be left to attack will be great...
there are too many moving parts still. And this year's elections here in the states will play some sort of factor... perhaps.. who know anything anymore...
It really couldn't be any worse, could it?
ReplyDeleteMe, on the phone: Hello, Comcast? I don't have any healthcare. Help?
Indian dude reading from a script: Hello madam, I understand you are having trouble with your healthcare service.
Me: I'm a dude, but yeah, that's it.
Indian dude: Right now we are showing that there is an outage of healthcare in your area. We have dispatched a technician, and we expect it to be back up in about 4-5 years. ...Is there anything else I can help you with today, madam?
Hello A Beer for the Shower,
DeleteRe - Outage!!!! Bwahahahahaha!!! Yasssss..... But wait, its better than that!!! At least Comcast gives you an estimated time of expectation for the service!!! Ha!! ;)
~ shadowfire ~
Hello shadowfire,
ReplyDeleteFantastic post. I enjoyed reading it.
I was impressed by the following sentences and I believe your have outlined the basic truth behind all elections and all the great speeches of political leaders.
A Corporation has more rights than an individual.
A Corporation has more muscle power than any group of SJW's.
A Corporation cannot be assassinated or impeached.
All political leaders work for the corporations and not for the common man. No government is interested in the welfare of the general public. All that the elected representatives want to do is to enrich themselves and their families. The government machinery is geared up only for that.
Every time the election comes around we hear fabulous speeches, fiery speeches, speeches full of promises for the public good but once elected the politicians will work overtime for the corporations and the super rich to make money and in the process amass wealth for themselves.
Yet the public are gullible and they continue to vote for one candidate or the other. It has been imprinted in everyone's mind that each should vote because it is a constitutional duty. Most people go to vote to fulfill this duty.
Every time we vote we elect one among the evil and every one gets disappointed in the end except the corporations. The politicians are always happy when they get elected because it is time for them to make money and enjoy a luxurious life at the tax payers expense till the next election comes.
As far as the present presidential candidates are concerned, I would like to see either Hillary or Trump to be elected.
Hillary, because she is a woman of immense capabilities and experience and I would like to see a woman president in the US. She might be having many faults but here is an opportunity for US public to elect their first woman president.
Tump, because he talks great sense and is determined to see US as the leading country in the world and he wants to do great good for the public. Whether he will do it or not is not the question but he should be given a chance to prove himself and walk his talk. I am an admirer of Trump just as I admired George Bush the junior.
This is my view as an Indian who is a great admirer of US.
Best wishes
Hi Joseph,
ReplyDeleteThank you for your in depth comment to my post. :)
It is certainly a difficult and complicated time in politics and economic reform. With the embedded component of globalization, there are now so many more layers to what comprises the worlds business and sustainability.
It is an important year and I really do hope whoever is elected doesn't lead us to WW# or completely finish selling America to foreign and elite interests.
We will see I suppose... Thank you for stopping by and look forward to your future posts and comments.
~ shadowfire ~