Sunday, March 20, 2016

~ Cotton Candy and Climate Change in Chattahoochee ~

When I was a little girl in California, I remember my parents taking me to an outdoor concert by a band called, "Peter, Paul and Mary".   I still love them, and I have their greatest hits on every possible format.  If you have never heard of them, please take a moment to listen to this song and when you are done crying for Little Jackie Paper, this post will make alot more sense..

(no correlations intended for this one song......... eh)

So anyhoo....

According to Merriam Webster, the definition of Correlation is:
"the relationship between things that happen or change together"

A Correlation can also be both a verb and a noun.
(Well that's makes it clear...)

I saw this article not too long ago which clearly shows the correlation between

Margarine and Divorce:

I have come to the eerie realization that

are the main driver of ignorance in the modern world.

This may, at the offset sound silly,
however, there are Many groups that believe in immutable self realized truths based solely on idealistic correlations that have no logic.

Here are some examples:

Warning: These are Real Actual Groups living among us... Click on the pics for their websites

The Flat Earth Society

"This website is dedicated to unraveling the true mysteries of the universe and demonstrating that the earth is flat and that Round Earth doctrine is little more than an elaborate hoax."

Sorry Houston.... No words...

The Earth is Only 6000 Years Old

"Given Biblical and other data for calculating a date for Abraham, we can calculate that the universe and the Earth were created approximately 6000 years ago."

I would like to see this "Other data"...

Occupy Wall Street

The one thing we all have in common is that We Are The 99%that will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1%.

Nevermind the Mathematical Error in Statistics, this group reminds me of a song:

I sure hope this group has a back up plan for jobs if they ever succeed... 

HAARP for Weather Manipulation

"respected researchers allege that secret electromagnetic warfare capabilities of HAARP are designed to forward the US military’s stated goal of achieving full-spectrum dominance by the year 2020"

Some of these might sound like conspiracy theories to some.  Others, may not.  

But do not doubt for a moment, 

they are ALL born of the same baseless correlative logic and lack of facts. 

Which Brings us to:

Cotton Candy and Climate Change

In 1896, the first evidence of human induced climate change was observed by American scientist Samuel Langley who had attempted to determine the surface temperature of the Moon by measuring infrared radiation leaving the Moon and reaching the Earth. His observation led to decades of research and further observation which has developed into the global phenomena we call Climate Change.

Meanwhile, just a few months later in 1897 what we now know to be Cotton Candy was discovered with the first machine patented in Nashville, TN by a DENTIST W. Morrison 

Coincidentally, Morrison later became the President of the American Dental Association in Nashville... 


I often receive criticism when discussing climate change when I begin to talk about the age of the dinosaurs, ice ages and such. Evidently, it makes much more sense to correlate the concept of climate change to the destabilization in the Middle East / Terrorism and not on scientific research of ages past...

But, even though it sounded strange to me at first, I consider myself an open minded person, and so this led me to discover some other interesting correlations.

In 2014, the United States consumed an average of 19,039 barrels of oil PER DAY... 

(Click on the pics for the link to .gov site)


How does the US compare to All other countries in the % of oil consumed?

Evidently, it is more than double of the second highest country, and 5-10 times as much as most other countries...

Then I really started to wonder about Bernie's theory...

Could there be some truth in it??

So I further asked... The Middle East's main source of income is oil.

What % of oil that we import from them has varied since pre gulf war times....


Its not looking good for them lately....

With visions of cotton candy clouds rolling through my mind, I found myself faced with the undeniable reality that we have shifted our oil purchasing monies through the years from the Middle East to Canada and....


oh cmon....

(I will leave the correlation of "chew" and something we have here in America to those who appreciate snarkiness...)

Needless to say, my understanding of "Climate Change" has evolved...

You see, Bernie Sanders was actually correct when he said that Terrorism is partly propagated by Climate Change, but Not in the way most media and politicians want us to think....

The only correlation between climate change and terrorism is that the biggest consumer and user of oil in the entire world (and subsequently the producer of the highest emissions causing environmental damage) has hurt the pockets of certain vested interest groups all the while screwing the people of the very country that makes up the consumers by making bad deals with Oil Partners.  Especially Mexico.

Next time you ask yourself why the US doesn't do more to stop the war on drugs or why there is no wall built as of yet, consider how the drug cartels contribute to political leaders.....

Next time you ask yourself why the Refugee crisis in Europe is so important, consider they are the second largest consumer of oil and that the EU's stronghold and sustainability has always been Germany (whose economy is being impacted greatly by almost 1 million immigrants)....

(Wait.... Are you saying that maybe immigration has hidden imperialistic agenda?)
I would never....


Is it all a conspiracy or is their some truth in correlations somewhere?

I honestly don't know, but I do know this:

Fluffy, Colorful, "Chemical Infused" *clears throat* Candy is invented just months after climate change is discovered (puffy, chemical injected clouds).....

Now I can't be the only one who sees THAT...


If you really listen carefully, you will see that Alan Jackson, America's Uber Successful Country signer who "Coincidentally" has been hired by Major Auto Manufacturers for "Theme Songs", like Gone Country, and Mercury Blues, has some secret CLIMATE CHANGE / OIL BUSINESS  messages hidden in his hit song:


"never knew how much that muddy water meant to me"
"..never had a plan, just a livin for the minute.."

(there's more if you listen closely...)


(I am sorry that you will never hear that song the same again....)

(No I'm not)

Friday, March 11, 2016

~ Comcast for President 2016 ~

This has been a difficult decision for me given the state of the nation as well as the future of my generation and my son's generation.  However, after much critical analysis, I have decided that
Comcast Corporation 
(also a Time Warner Cable and Telemundo affiliate) has my 2016 vote for the Oval Office.

I offer THIS as their campaign slogan:

Allow me to share how I came to this decision.

A few months back a realization dawned on me: That no one really knows what the hell is going on in the world anymore, (including myself), and that we are all just wandering about, collecting bits and pieces of information we presume are 'facts' and forming 'belief systems', further forcing them on others.  All the while ignoring the most fundamental aspects of humanity and life that truly require revised belief systems in this day and age.

We pick and choose from a Splenda Sprinkled Buffet of Bullshit Lies presented by the very people we place and revere as our 'Leaders".

These So Called Leaders come in many forms...

One being: The Vulture

Why a Vulture you ask? 

Well..... How else would you describe THIS: (wonder who that cat in the background represents...)

Which reminds me....

Sad.... But True....

The 2016 Elections

A time, where so much is fucked up in the world that 
No One qualified Wants the Presidency of the United States.
 And who can blame them really?

So what we are left with is a Murder Mystery Clown Show.

#1: The Confused Criminal

Pro's:  She is a Woman 
Con's: She is a Woman and pretty much Everything Else Jaded and Wrong with the System

This is a woman whose husband publicly cheated on her, whose family foundations have accepted multi millions in dirty money, and despite the known shame that is beknownst of her and hers, she fancies herself with the suitable 'Integrity' to represent the Nation... 

But THAT is not what scares me about Hillary... No... She is a politician and we have been programmed to accept a certain level of criminal activity for the establishment elites..... 

What scares the shit out of me about Hillary is that she Always looks like she is on 7000 Milligrams of Prozac!! (Normal dose on web MD is about 10-20 Milligrams.) So.... 7000.

I mean,,, who in their right mind (pun intended) can reason this a suitable choice?

#2: The "I will destroy Wall Street" SJW
(sjw = Social Justice Warrior)

Here is a Man, who publically stated in a debate to the American People that he will bring down Wall Street and condemned Hillary for not going after them as well.... 

Once again... He Publicly criticized the source where the Most Jobs created in the World originate.

A little history here:  Since before the start of the 19th century, the Corporations that make up Wall Street have been the Main and in some cases Only provider of jobs in the United States.

It is a nice 'daydream' to imagine that taking down such a power can happen simply because of the will of the people led by a 70+ year old who hasn't created even 1 job in his entire life and is in debt...

Its a very nice sentiment.  And I appreciate the humanity behind it... But not even the Media has Ever taken Bernie Sanders serious as a candidate.

Trivia Question:  Name 1 time, just 1 time that a debate moderator has even alluded to Bernie being the Democratic Candidate.  One Time..... On Either Side..... 


And if by some miracle of God (which is the Only way) that he could manage such a feat, who would then create jobs for everyone?  

The Government? Really? 
How many jobs did the government create compared to Wall Street in the last 100 years?

But his Socialistic desires and Lack of education in global economics, is not what led me away from The Bern....

What led me away from the Bern is that this man wants US, you and me, to pay to send 
Everyone to College for Free.....

AGREED!!!!! But, wait.... We Already have that don't we?? And How's THAT Doing?

You know... K-12?

Everytime this Man talks about education:


Question 1:  Have you Seen what is coming out of Public High School Graduations these days??

Question 2:  We spend more Tax money per pupil in this Country than anywhere else in the world and yet High School Graduates can't even spell; they don't know how the basic Government branches work; and questions on History and Geography produce blank stares, and so on....

I Mean,,,, WTF???

And sure, there are those that do well in school, that study hard and believe in education, but then, those don't need help getting to or paying for college, do they now?

The Burn has not talked about what he will do to Improve the 
yet boasts about New Government Sponsored Ones???...

My dears, that should be enough to scare the hell out of Anyone who is feeling a burn session....

Sorry Sugar Cakes.... I will support you 100% on Legalizing Marijuana, 
but we don't need our President to be lighting up right now....

#3: The Canadian Nationalist

I'll be honest... I haven't really listened to what he has to say....  And much like Bernie, he simply will Not be the Nominee.... Though, he does inspire some melancholy music tunes for me:

Bless His Heart....

#4: The Religious Brain Surgeon

There was a little while in the beginning that I supported Dr. Carson...
And I am sure he is an excellent surgeon.

But it was so transparent that his rhetoric on God were merely to satisfy the demographics of his political party, and rather than be brave and stand up for what he truly believes in, he cowered downed to the wants of the ignorant....

And that's not someone we want negotiating on our behalf in the event WW3 becomes imminent.

Sorry Ben. BUT....

#5: The Political Whisperer

*yells in a hushed tone*

Kasich for President

What?? Who?  

I Imagine it went something like this...:



#6: The Cuban Cowboy


And last but not least....
#7: The Dark Lord of Real Estate

I was never a big Harry Potter fan, but I do know the storyline fairly well...

Perhaps there is a little Voldemort in us all.
Perhaps that is what Trump speaks to in the American People.

Which bring us to My Choice, Comcast....

Anyone who has had Comcast Service may understand my reasoning for this.

Comcast Corporation, an NBC Universal, Telemundo, Time Warner Cable, and many more affiliate entity owners, is in fact The Devil Incarnate.

They control the Media. They control what we watch on TV.  They control Google, Disney, and other major Services that most people are for career and daily life purposes now dependent on.

But we know this Devil....

Do we really KNOW Any of the Presidential Hopefuls?
Do we really KNOW what they will do once in office?

Its a scary time folkes...

I think its time we Choose a Devil we Know...

A Devil we can Trust....

Rely On.....

It's Time For A Power Above the People.

That Services the People...

That Needs the People... (at least our money and ratings)

When you deeply analyze it, its not so far out there....

A Corporation has more rights than an individual.
A Corporation has more muscle power than any group of SJW's.
A Corporation cannot be assassinated or impeached.

See its not about making America Great Again... America is already Great!

They may not always answer your call timely, Sure...

But does the White House? Do your Representatives?

I think its time we openly accept what is already a reality. 


It's whats for Dinner...

Let's Make America Bigger!

One Nation, under Comcast,
For Internet and TV for All.

They got my vote.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

~ sex anyone?.... ~

Ok.. so maybe the title is a little misleading... though it came to me because it seems that lately conversations with people either revolve around sex or diets...
the latest adventures, the latest pills, or exercise technique
(i.e. how to get rid of fat by doing no exercise and just holding your breath)....

I suppose that could work....

And that brought me to the idea that most social conversation can be summed up in one mundane coca cola commercial:

and no backwash....   (clears throat).... anyhoo...

I know it may sound silly but lets think about it for a minute... A good friend of mine called me the other day to tell me she has lost 10000 pounds in a week by taking some new pill...
So you know me.... I'm always up for experimenting... She drops me off a couple...
in a zip lock bag....(I felt like I needed to check for cops)

This is the actual pill:

it was roughly around 6:00 pm on Thursday..  

Staring at it, I wondered whether I should take it then, or wait until the next morning... Fearing it would give me some weird side effect at work, I decided to take it right then... 

5 min, nothing... 10 min, nothing... 

20 minutes later...

11:00 pm at night.... 

I never realized how much dust there is on the floorboards of my house.... 
And inside of lamps... 

This was simply not acceptable at that moment....
But wait! there isn't nearly sufficient cleaning supplies in my house...

But THAT didn't stop me... there I went.... me against the army of dust....

1:00 am, 2:00 am.... Somewhere through it all, I knew I would regret this the following morning... Like a college party gone wrong... BUT.. I did not! 

Rather, I found myself the next day at work talking to my coworkers about the experience like: occurred to me at that moment: all those posts from friends that are in these "programs" with shakes, and "supplements".... I understood.... "They" (and no, idk who they are...) have found a way to mass produce liquid crack into mainstream retail.....

I had to understand... None of it made sense... I was productive, I cleaned, I didn't feel bad, and strangely, I felt like I had lost a pound or two... (not joking)...

I thought and thought, and then it hit me, YES!!! I had had this feeling before... I remembered!! Back in college, someone slipped something in my drink at a club to which I recall waking up in the sand beach with prints of having made sand angels... It was called Ecstasy...

And guess what?? I wasn't wrong...

There is a mass movement in the diet industry made up of thermogenic euphoria producing drugs.... The effects greatly mirror the "preferred" aspects of certain street drugs, but since they have been made in a well funded lab, they do not produce the negative side effects of their adversaries... And its not just pills... its shakes, and power bars, and supplements... 

And they can be bought ANYWHERE.... 

Your Welcome...

I'm not sure how I feel about it still... 

But things make more sense now...

You bet your Billion Dollar ass it is Taylor...

Which brings us to the other phenomena of late...

I suppose the 'sex sells' industry was experiencing some revenue drops so a tad of creativity was necessary.  Something to stir the senses and open a new 'shelf' of experience to the consumer.

But how does one take the desensitized perception of something like SEX to a new level of curiosity to boost profits?

I Imagine a room full of marketing execs.. Thinking, Brainstorming, playing with pencils, and then... 

Nevermind the potential negative effects to social constructs, people in their psychologically developmental sex phase of life, or worse.....   

Its just enough 'umph' to keep those shelves revolving:

Can't have that... Dead people can't spend money....

Sure.. The concept has been around for quite sometime...

and of course:

But NEVER in history has one actually felt bad or embarrassed or left out walking into a casual group conversation like:

Girl 1:  "I know right!! those 3 inch butt plugs are the bomb"

Girl 2: "You only have 3 floggers??!! Girl, you gotta check out that place on Bird Road...."

Guy 1: "Check out this video girls..."

And all you have to contribute is... 

"i had a nice candlelight dinner and then walked on the beach and talked for hours..."


Ostracized... The Freak... "Keep up with the times Nancy"... 


Now don't get me wrong... I am a very open-minded person... 

And I think most things in moderation are OK.

But when the owner of the fitness store tells you that you have to be ready to drink two shakes a day for the rest of your life like she has... 

Or when your friend for years shows you her collection of the latest purchase and it looks like this..


Perhaps I am a little bias... As a lifelong writer, who among science fiction enjoys writing on the erotics of human nature (working on a website HERE), its a little insulting to the creative process...  

Or maybe it is an "opportunity"... who the hell knows right?

I'm curious what this fellows take is on all of this... 

He seems to have experience...

Well, thanks for stopping by... Its time for my medicine... 

There is Dust Awaiting Redemption!!!